Understand the ocean, explore the ocean. Expanding learning possibilities with WHERENESS.


Yasuhiro Taguchi, Present, General Incorporated Association 3710Lab (Minato Lab)

‍To " think about the sea," we are developing activities from a wide range of perspectives.

We live in Japan, an island nation surrounded by the sea on all sides.
Culture, customs, economy... one cannot talk about the identity of the Japanese people without reference to the sea.The current educational curriculum for children teaches fragmentary knowledge about the marine industry, the role of ports, and the marine debris problem.In fact, however, there is no time set aside to think about the "ocean" itself.

We want to create a place where people can think and discuss their relationship with the ocean.
With this in mind, we launched the general incorporated association 3710Lab (Minato Lab) in 2015.

The purpose of Minato Lab's activities is to "connect the sea and people through learning.We are developing projects in collaboration with designers, editors, researchers, educators, and other people with various specialties.The content of this year's WHERENESS is an exhibit from the International Conference on Marine Environmental Design "OCEAN BLINDNESS - We Don't Know the Ocean" held from September 29 to October 9, 2023.

The International Design for Marine Environments Conference will be launched in 2022.The goal of the conference was to ask the question, "What can design do for the ocean?The purpose of this project was to ask the question, "What can design do for the ocean?It could be a solution to current issues, or it could be a way to communicate the attractiveness of the ocean.We wanted to think together with designers and artists about the possibilities that arise when the power of design connects with the ocean.This second edition of the exhibition also served as a report on the results from last year, with an exhibition of 19 groups of designers and artists, as well as products that have been commercialized.

The exhibition will be documented in 360° video and published as content on WHERENESS

In fact, before we started the exhibition, we had no idea of documenting the event with 360° video.I was thinking of using photos and videos as a record. On the second day of the exhibition, at the we+ design studio's results presentation, I saw for the first time a video of the research process shot with a 360° camera. I was also present during the research, and the 360° footage showed the realistic feeling of the actual research and gave me a great sense of presence.
Although I was aware of the existence of 360° video, I felt that it had more potential than I had imagined. At the same time, someone from Actual was there, so I asked them to record the exhibition venue on short notice.

The goal of this project was to record a 360° video of the exhibition and create content on WHERENESS.The design of WHERENESS was intuitive and easy to understand, so I was able to use it without any problems without any prior explanation.

In editing, the "tag" function, which allows information on each work to be embedded in the screen, was extremely useful.All I had to do was upload an image of an explanatory panel that was on display at the exhibition, so it took no time at all.It was much easier than I had imagined.

Although the shoot was realized in a hurry due to a series of coincidences, we are very happy to have been able to document the event in 360°.Looking at the completed 360° video, I felt that it reproduced the space very well and created an experience different from that of a normal video.You will be able to grasp, in one shot, what artworks were placed where, and a complete view of the venue.Even if you were not able to visit during the exhibition, you will be able to appreciate the works as if you were there.


2nd International Conference on Marine Environmental Design open to the public 『OCEAN BLINDNESS - We do not know the sea』

Utilizing WHERENESS, enables exhibits that are not limited by location or time.

When we showed the completed video to those involved, we received two reactions. One was "people who couldn't come during the exhibition can see the video" and "we can respond to people who said they wanted to see the video one more time. The other is the suggestion that "we can do something new with 360°content that we have never done before. I thought the latter was very interesting.

If the program is made public on WHERENESS, it can be planned on the premise that it can be viewed from anywhere, regardless of where it is held.In extreme cases, it may be possible to rent a venue for one day, take pictures, and then hold the event while conducting the program on WHERENESS.We think that this style, which is not restricted by location and time, may be quite possible.

WHERENESS will also be useful not only for exhibitions, but also for planning other programs.For example, children could use a 360° camera to film, edit by themselves, and present the contents and results of their studies. 360° video is a new method of expression that has greatly expanded the possibilities for the content of the programs.

Child-driven marine education program

In addition to "marine design projects" such as the International Conference on Marine Environmental Design, Minato Lab also focuses on "marine education" mainly for children. The target audience ranges from young children to elementary and high school students, and each program has its own theme to tackle.For example, a school that has been asked to conduct a class on marine litter imagines where the litter that has washed up on the beach came from, creates a story, and makes it into a book.Design an original pattern from the drifted debris and make a T-shirt. Create a feature article summarizing the charms of the local sea and publish it in a magazine, etc.

The final product at the end of the program is always different, and no two projects are ever the same.This is because the purpose of the program is not to create something, but to let the children themselves think about what they want to accomplish through the project, make suggestions, and discuss and decide together.We, the members of Minato Lab, support the children's activities and help them finish their output by designing, editing, etc. In other cases, the children participate in our programs as members.In any case, we place importance on everyone, including the children, working in their own way.

Discussions led by children sometimes stray from the direction they want to go in, get into arguments, or run into conflicts.However, such trial and error is the main purpose of our educational programs.It is not the result itself, but rather what one feels and thinks in the "process leading up to the result.We believe that is where the irreplaceable value lies.The rich thinking of children is an asset not only for the children themselves, but also for society as a whole, including us adults.

We have many things we want to convey to children through the gateway of "the sea.We want them to experience unknown professions such as designers and editors and think, "I can do this kind of work, too.If they are interested in something, they can open up a new field of study that is not restricted by their own field... Sometimes the children who have been affected in some way by the Minato Lab activities respond in unexpected ways years after the fact.It is a miraculous moment when you feel that what you want to hand over to the children has been conveyed to them.Perhaps that is why I am so happy to continue this activity.

Hoping that the ripples born from the Minato Lab will spread to society

I hope to see more of such cross-disciplinary efforts in the future.The International Conference on Marine Environmental Design has been created with designers, artists, architects, and many other professionals.People from various professions have visited the conference, and many have said, "I have been waiting for this kind of initiative," or "I want to work together with them.
At present, it may be difficult to find a place where people can output what they like and what they want to pursue, utilizing their own work skills.We would be happy if people involved in Minato Lab activities realize that they can do such things and create a new place for fusion.

If I had to name one goal of our activities, it would be to create a facility that would serve as a starting point for archiving and creating a relationship between the ocean and people.It could be a museum or a research institute.Whatever the form, I hope it will be the result of a growing awareness in society that "we have to make sure we leave something behind.I am sure that this will be the moment when the "ocean" perspective is installed in society.

General Incorporated Association 3710Lab (Minato Lab)

Education, research, media, support for education, research, and exchange, etc.

ライター:土谷 真咲